I have done many posters for various campus groups. Here are a few of them:

I have done many posters for various campus groups. Here are a few of them:
Designed for a Web Design course. I did all the design components for this site from taking pictures of the vegetables to Photoshop, to custom CSS. Story Boards Header Design A wide range of designs were tried before this that ranged from simple shapes to pepperoni. It was finally decided to go with vegetables as […]
for the University of Saskatchewan Science Outreach Program This is a project I am currently working on for the Science Outreach Program. Kids’ will use this application to have Lego themed interactive tours through the dinosaur, rock & mineral, fossil, and evolution exhibits is the University of Saskatchewan geology building. I am building this application […]
Lithography is based on the principle that oil and water repel. The first print was made by using wax based mediums and floor wax, the second was done using a photo litho plate.
I have done a variety of screen prints from this giant pickle print to t-shirt prints.
I did a series of eight intaglio prints of common web icons (About, Cart, Home, Contact, Hours, Location, Email, Photos). Each icon was etched into an aluminum plate using an etching needle and aquatint. The first image: a plate, second: the print before the aquatint was added, and third: after the inclusion of the aquatint. […]
I use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to make most of my graphics and digital art. These are two designs that I made in Photoshop to use for prints. The first one was a photo lithograph and the second one was done on a photo solar plate.
Collagraphs are made by attaching different materials to a board to get different texture and then applying ink using the concept of greasy and dry inks not sticking to each other. This collagraph was made by drilling holes into a board and then threading string through the holes and gluing leaves and grains onto the […]
These are a couple of the wood block prints I have done. The first image is the wood block I carved and the second image is the resulting print.