Check & Bake Application with Bluetooth Scanner
Graphical User Interface course project
Check & Bake is a baking application that ‘checks’ to see if a user has enough ingredients to ‘bake’ a recipe. Additionally, this application also keeps track of a user’s ingredients and recipes. The system has 4 tabs: Home, Ingredients, Recipes, and Check. The home tab consists of a virtual cake that the user can decorate with icing. The ingredient tab shows the ingredients the user has added into the system. A user can do several things with their ingredients including adding new ingredients via a scanner or manual entry, keeping track of information about ingredients (name, quantity, expiry date, picture), removing ingredients, checking for recipes that contain specific ingredients, checking for ingredients that are in their recipes, and decrementing the amount of ingredients they have based on what ingredients are consumed by recipes they decide to bake. The recipe tab shows the user’s recipes. There are several things they can do with recipes including searching for new recipes, creating and removing recipe boxes that contain categories of recipes that the user adds to them, and viewing the recipe website so that the user can follow the recipe instructions. The Check tab allows the user to find recipes that include selected ingredients and to also pick recipes they want to bake and see what ingredients they have and what they need to buy.